"My joy is in the truth...I know I WROTE this and the imposters know they plagiarized MY WORK, it is that simple."

May not be reproduced in whole or in part - Judith Espinosa © All Rights Reserved 2025
I began to write "The Awakening" poem seen on the home page of this site when my mother was undergoing
chemotherapy. Doctors had given her a mere year to live when she was initially diagnosed...and the words we all dread, "you should
get your affairs in order" were coldly uttered to us. It was devastating!
My parents had been married for years but I was just a young girl when they divorced. Following that separation, life began to unfold quickly with various challenges that would accelerate my maturity. My mother's illness was one of the things that propelled me to grow up faster.
I developed a profound descriptive analogy to write from the life lessons I had to face and my thoughts slowly became written expressions of what I observed around me, of what I felt or experienced about life. Much was through pain, in this case the pain of knowing a huge loss was nearing. The loss of a parent: my mother. This, is how my "AWAKENING" poem was birthed. Through more than a decade of illness and invasive medical treatments, my mother was able to outlive that initial one year death sentence. Ultimately however, she lost her fight and passed. I, completed "The Awakening" with first-hand knowledge of profound loss. The daily anguish a person losing a loved one feels, is indescribable unless you have lived through it. I pulled from the pain and void I experienced to capture my feelings and put them into words of encouragement, hoping to help me recover emotionally and hopefully someday help others on a similar path.
I printed a draft format of my work to share with friends who would proof read....or provide an opinion, and somehow a copy of MY draft (which by the way included mentions of God...for I was in constant prayer and which mentions were at times altered or omitted when copied online) was stollen. My poem was uploaded to multiple platforms online---without my consent, and without my knowledge.
My words, my thoughts, my life lessons....shared and plagiarized throughout the internet. Multiple people online posting my work as "Author Unknown" thanking whoever wrote it for helping them get through difficult moments in their lives. WOW how humbling, I thought...I was so happy to help those who MY words touched and perhaps, helped. I send you my love and my blessings.
Others however, were claiming my work. My God, how? Some even fighting for ownership of MY words...and I, completely oblivious to it all. I was so busy with life that I had set aside my literary works for a future date and did not know plaigerism for any of my work was taking place online.
MY WORDS, MY ENTIRE AWAKENING POEM, was online in draft format. I was shocked!
How in the world could any human being feel comfortable claiming credit for something they DID NOT write? These individuals must feel so worthless I thought in silence as I sat in dismay. Is it that only by stealing from authentic authors could these thieves feel validated? Are these people so empty or incapable of being genuine that opting to claim someone else's work is the only way to be recognized? Why plagiarize an entire literary work? It was all too surreal to understand.
As I sat staring at my laptop screen reading these LIES about something that is mine...esspecifically from two individuals who fought for months for credits to MY POEM....MY WRITING, I was baffled to see how selfish and desperate for attention these people were.
One person claiming my work mentioned "The Awakening" poem being about a breakup. As I read through those words, I couldn't help but picture my mother suffering through chemotherapy with endless puking sessions...the complete loss of appetite, her fragile body aching and wasting away with disease on a hospital bed. I recalled my mother's hair getting stuck to the pillow as it came off every time she turned her head to answer a nurse or a doctor that was checking on her. I thought of the extra years I could have had with her. I felt a knot building in my throat as my eyes filled up with tears because in that moment, I was forced to re-live the void I felt when I wrote "THE AWAKENING" as I waited for her to perish.
This poem dear friends entails a huge amount of life lessons and a very long journey which involves much more than just a "bad break up," as one of the thieves who claimed my work stated. I lost my mother to cancer but before she perished, she fought very hard for thirteen long years. The passages you read in "THE AWAKENING" are all real. The encouraging statements I write about, come from a place of actual experiences.
I wrote "THE AWAKENING" to help all--who like me--have endured difficult life lessons....to help others get through pain or challenges. My words are meant to help anyone who needs or seeks hope, or inspiration. I aim to provide emotional comfort...with all quirks and imperfections, with all human flaws...within any group, within all faiths...my words are for all mankind...to help AWAKEN people to love and kindness...specifically, the love for self. This poem is about tapping into the power we all have within us. This is a gift I humbly offer humanity: The Awakening, to self Love.
I pray my words continue to help all who need encouragement, to help as many as possible to cease being victims and instead, become victors--not mere survivors.
I am flattered beyond words, that my THE AWAKENING poem has helped so many....that it has traveled the world....and even, that some valued it so much, they plagiarized it...but I am equally disgusted that it was claimed as theirs in its entirety. The good side of this story is: I have helped many. In addition, I KNOW I WROTE THIS...and the IMPOSTERS....well, they know who they are and they know what they did. I encourage those who copied my work to stop copying and work from within to create original pieces: draw from your own experiences and put that into YOUR OWN words. Be proud enough and love yourself enough, to create originals; you may surprise yourself with great results.
I am claiming my work, MY WORDS...and sharing them with YOU in the correct and completed draft version, on this site.
All other postings that you find online are unauthorized and plagiarized copies from a draft format of my literary work, "The Awakening" poem. Unless it is an exact version seen on this site with my birth name, Judith Espinosa as the author....it is a plagiarized version and not authentic.
For those who posted "THE AWAKENING" poem, starting with "There comes a time...." as seen on this website citing "author unknown" or "anonymous" for author...my respects. Perhaps you attempted to find me and were unable to....at the very least, you did not claim work that is not yours. Therefore, thank you!
Unfortunately, many if not all unauthorized copies have been altered. I am reaching out to all who posted those unauthorized copied versions and ask that you retract those and please replace them with my authentic version and use proper credits.
Feel free to contact me via email from this site, by going to the CONTACT page. I just ask that my work is not altered and that proper credits are given.
God Bless you always! Namaste!
Judith Espinosa